Every month selected items are FREE. First come first ...Take as much or as little as you desire. Yes it's FREE. Don't forget to check out the Always FREE stock that is full of cool, awesome and just weird stuff. If you have items to donate, contact or call 469-300-1550.  Giveaway dates posted on the Artcycletx Calendar. Time: Noon-4p 

* Re-Think * Re-Purpose *Re-Cycle

February- Paper/Plastic/Rubber

April  - Draw/Paint

June - Tile/Rocks/Shells

August - Yarn/Fiber/Stuffing/Notions

October - Bottles/Baubles/Beads

December - Sampler/Panels/Wood/Glass

 (Supplies vary and offered first come first serve)
More STUFF to Trade, Buy or Barter by the piece or by the bag...

Don't forget to visit the .50 Table